'Kind words are like honey,
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.' - Proverbs 16:24 - Words they say are powerful. They can build up or pull down. But guess what the Bible encourages us to do with our words: 'Use it to soothe lives'. Because life as we know it is hard enough. Most of us humans are prone to angry outbursts every now and again, but if you're the exception, I commend you. For the rest of us humans, Proverbs 16:24 is our Gentle reminder that the words we speak, both to ourselves and others matters. We can be our better selves, by being kind to ourselves and others. Just think: How would I like to be treated? Then go ahead and extend that same grace to others! Stay blessed and keep on going!
Father God, thank you for Christmas. A day, not just for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, but a day of reflection. Reflecting on the day you gave us your heart. The day you placed yourself at the receiving end of our sinful actions to bring us back to you. So that, whosoever believes in your sacrificial act of loving kindness, will live-on eternally with you. That is, once their life on earth is over. Thank you Lord for such a priceless privilege in Jesus name, amen. 'Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God.' 2 Corinthians 5:21, New Century Version (NCV) To share the Christmas Cheer, below are some Christmas songs from artist ’Soli’. Merry Christmas! Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus who came humbly into the world to do a compassionate thing. That is, to save lives for God's Kingdom. He didn't come with an entourage neither was there any razzmatazz attached to his birth. So, a gentle reminder as we celebrate the birth of Jesus: all he requires is for you to come as you are, imperfections and all. Jesus will meet you right where you are. Here, I look at why we celebrate Christmas and why Jesus is the perfect Christmas gift. Hope this encourages those who don’t know Jesus to want to know him and for those who already know him to develop a deeper relationship wth him. Have a Merry Christmas! “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 Persecution is the unjust treatment of Christians. Treatments which can result in physical violence of those professing their Christian faith and can also present itself in subtle or hidden ways. Whichever way it comes, it is part of the Christian journey and something God can use for the furtherance of the gospel. Here I look at what persecution is and how God can use it for the good of his kingdom. In 2 Timothy 2:8-10, Paul sums up persecution and why Christans should not be fearful of it. He says: “…Jesus Christ…is the Good News I preach and I am suffering because of it, to the point of being bound with chains like a criminal. But God’s teaching is not in chains. So I patiently accept all these troubles, so that those whom God has chosen can have the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. With that salvation comes glory that never ends.” Meaning, we face persecution to share the good news of the gospel with the world. So that they can receive eternal life. Paul, a follower of Christ said this, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” - 2 Timothy 4:7 - Will you be saying the same at the end of your life? We are all here for a purpose and the race to achieve that purpose begins from time of birth. Question is: How will you finish your race? Because it’s never how you start, but how you finish that matters. To anyone who had a relationship with God, but walked away from your faith, this is for you. Hope this encourages you to give your relationship with God another try and run your race purposefully. So that you can reunite with God in eternity. Stay blessed & keep on going! A short prayer to help deal with the challenges of day-to-day life. This prayer was inspired by 2 Chronicles 14:11 |
AuthorI'm Kemi West. Also known as the Postman. A simple Christian, learning to live life, through the teachings of Jesus Christ according to the scriptures. I’m looking to share the gift of Christ with others. Archives
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